On a recent walk in the woods behind my house, I noticed many of these thorny shrubs growing. They were mixed in with the ramps and the ferns and the violets, looking for all the world as if they belonged there. Upon further investigation I recognize these shrubs, commonly found in front yards and commercial properties all around town.
They have thorny stems, (as was quickly obvious when I attempted to pull them out,) small leaves with smooth edges and in the fall, their leaves turn red.
Check out some photos:

If you want to guess, use the comment box below and then check back next weekend for the answer.
Until then, have a great weekend!
Jock, yes, you are correct! It is Barberry.
I’m guessing firebush.
I’m not aware of this puzzler being called that, but will do some looking. Are you thinking of the shrub called Firebush that is native to Florida and areas south and has lovely red flowers that the hummingbirds love? If so, this puzzler is definitely not that! Thanks for guessing, and as aways, for reading my blog posts. Hope you’re having a great day!