Of all the invasive plants I have been finding in my yard, this next puzzler certainly makes the list of worst offenders. This vine is a super aggressive grower that if left alone has the ability to kill trees and do a great deal of damage to the landscape. It wraps itself around other plants, choking them as it girdles their stems or trunks. It can climb trees that are easily 90-100 feet tall!
I’m sure you’ve seen this one, though maybe you never paid attention to it. The vine spreads by underground roots and from the seeds inside the berries. Birds eat the berries and poop out the seeds in far away locations, allowing the plant to move far distances. Another problem adding to the spread of this vine is people using them for decorations–on wreaths especially which you usually see in the fall when the berries on this vine turn red, inside of a gold capsule that IS striking. But yikes, does it cause a lot of trouble!
Here are some pictures.

Do you recognize this vine? Want to guess? Use the comment box below to give your guess, then tune in next weekend to see if you are correct. Until then, have a safe and happy weekend.