I heard something the other day that really left an impression and I thought I would share it with you.
You know how when there’s a hurricane or a tornado coming, and how maybe they tell you it’s going to hit this place or that place, and how helpless you feel? How both before and after you wish there was something, anything, you could do to ease the pain, to lessen the casualties? All of those people suffering, the devastation, all of those horrible after-shots you see on the news and think, wow, I wish I could make it better for them.
Well this novel virus that is spreading like wildfire across our country is like those storms, only you know what? This “storm’s” fury, its impact, the lives it steals is still in question. Unlike a hurricane, or a tornado, a flood or an earthquake, WE ALL DO HAVE POWER to impact this “storm.” By staying home or remaining away from people, by choosing to be accept inconvenience, by sacrificing some of our freedoms, by changing our daily actions, by postponing vacations, celebrations and big events, WE CAN LESSON THIS “STORM’S” IMPACT!
There are very few times when we can say this.
But let me say it again, THE ACTIONS WE ALL TAKE NOW CAN IMPACT THE SEVERITY OF THIS “STORM.” Each person who stays home may limit the spread of coronavirus, saving countless people from pain and suffering and even death, because each person who has coronavirus (and many who have it may never have symptoms, but can still pass it along to others and you can’t tell by looking whether or not someone has this virus) is likely to infect at least two others, and those two others might go on to infect two others, and on and on, until WOW, it’s doubled and tripled and quadrupled.
In the same way a category 4 storm may lessen and become a category 1 storm, we can change the outcome of this story, of this “storm.”
Instead of feeling angry about all the things I am missing out on, maybe I, and we, can focus on that power that each one of us has to make a difference. We’re all in this together. Will you join me in using your power to make this “storm” less horrendous?

Don’t let people pull you into their storm, pull them into your peace.
Thank you for posting this, Sharon. We are indeed, all in this together. Let us try to do the right thing for ourselves and for each other. Be safe, everyone.
You are welcome Renee. I think each one of us has to believe we have power and that we can make a difference. Thanks for taking time to comment! Enjoy the beautiful spring day!
You are so right. What we all do now will make a difference. The difference we could have made two months or three months ago is water under the dam. We need to get over our differences and grudges and do the right thing now. It really is life or death
All true. I hope people realize the difference they can make.