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Happy Earth Day! Here are 25 Things You Can Do to Make Everyday Earth Day

I have been making some changes in my life, trying to lessen the amount of garbage I generate and the negative impact I have on Mother Earth. It is not always easy, but I feel better when I make the effort and I know that if everyone joined me in making even a few changes, our impact could be tremendous.

Here are a few things I have been working on that I thought I could share with you.

Please join me in making some changes. Here are 25 Things You Can Do To Make a Difference for Mother Nature:

Let’s show Mother Nature some LOVE
  1. STOP USING SINGLE USE PLASTIC BAGS Between the small plastic bags that we put our produce in, to the larger bags when we’re checking out, these bags add up. There is no reason we need these bags when alternatives are available. I now use little mesh bags (I bought on line) for my fruits and veggies and bring my own canvas or other re-usable bags to pack everything in. Some countries around the world, such as China, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Kenya and the UK, as well as some states in the US, such as San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, and Washington DC, have stopped offering plastic bags in the grocery stores or have instituted a bag tax.
  2. STOP USING PLASTIC STRAWS Join the #Straws Suck campaign and refuse a straw. Tell your servers “No thanks” to putting straws in your drink. If you must have a straw, bring your own glass or stainless steel straws.
  3. TAKE YOUR OWN MUG TO GET YOUR MORNING COFFEE It’s easy to just bring your own mug and ask your favorite coffee shop to fill it up. There’s no need to use a throwaway cup once.
  4. WHEN YOU EAT OUT, TAKE YOUR OWN TO-GO CONTAINER FOR YOUR LEFTOVERS Many restaurants are moving away from styrofoam leftover containers, but why take the chance when you can just bring your own container? If you know you’re going to be eating out, just stick a small glass or tupperware in your purse or bag and bring it into the restaurant.
  5. STOP USING PLASTIC DINNERWARE Instead, bring your own. If you know you’re going to be eating fast food, once, or often, keep a set in your car or bag.
  6. BOYCOTT BOTTLED WATER Instead, bring your own reusable water bottle and fill it up yourself. Some statistics say there are 50 million single use water bottles thrown away in the US EVERYDAY! And maybe that plastic bottle can be recycled, but with recycling programs in question lately, let’s just not create a demand for these one-time use bottles.
  7. BOYCOTT STYROFOAM This is a bad product and there is no need to continue to support it when there are plenty of alternatives. Refuse to buy eggs in styrofoam, don’t eat at places that serve food on styrofoam, don’t use it at parties.
  9. STOP BUYING SINGLE USE PLASTIC PLATES. If you must use a single use plate or other dishware, choose paper or one from a compostable material.
  11. REPLACE YOUR LIGHT BULBS Replace inefficient incandescent light bulbs with efficient CFLs or LEDs.
  12. STOP USING ROUNDUP AND OTHER PESTICIDES. Have you heard about the two court cases recently that showed that the active ingredient in Roundup–Glyphosate, causes cancer? (There are more than 10,000 other lawsuits pending against Roundup) Just because it’s sold in stores, doesn’t mean it’s safe for you, your pets, your children, or the other animals that may come in contact with your yard. There are alternatives, such as pulling the weeds by hand, using boiling water, or even a vinegar spray. Mix up 1/2 gallon of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup of salt and 1/2 tsp of Dawn–then spray this on your weeds. Please take the pesticide pledge
  15. USE 100% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED PAPER when you have to print something
  17. RECYCLE PAPER, CARDBOARD, MAGAZINES, JUNK MAIL. If you’re local carrier doesn’t pick them up curbside, there are often places nearby that will recycle them. Earth911 is a great resource to help you find a place near you.
  18. SPEAKING OF JUNK MAIL, LESSEN YOURS. Take 2 minutes to fill out a Do Not Mail form to reduce the amount of unwanted mail. It allows you to state your mail preferences. For catalogs, call to take your name off the mailing lists.
  19. SHOP SMART-– don’t buy things at the grocery store that use wasteful packaging. This includes cut-up veggies or fruits in plastic containers or on stryrofoam. Buy bigger sizes when possible so you don’t have to use so many.
  20. REUSE PACKING MATERIALS Did you know that many mailing stores would love to have your packing peanuts, bubblewrap or other stuffing from that Amazon package? These materials can be saved up and donated to a packing/mail store near you. (Or save them to use next time you have to mail something)
  21. BUY ORGANIC WHEN POSSIBLE. There are lots of opinions and information about whether organic foods are better health-wise for us, but there is no doubt that organic is better for MOTHER EARTH.
  22. COMPOST KITCHEN SCRAPS. Composting is easy and greatly reduces the amount of garbage that gets sent to the landfill. Plus, it is free, nutrient-rich fertilizer for your garden!
  23. PLANT NATIVE PLANTS in your yard and get rid of non-native invasives. Make your yard a haven for wildlife, not just another “perfect” green lawn full of harmful chemicals with nothing to offer local wildlife. Who decided that a green monoculture is attractive?
  24. SHOP LOCAL The less miles your food has to travel, the fresher it will be and the less impact it will have.
  25. TURN OFF LIGHTS WHEN YOU LEAVE A ROOM or don’t turn any on if you don’t really need to.
Mesh bags for produce

When you stop using chemicals on your lawn, you can be sure it is safe to your kids and pets.
Show some love for Mother Earth

Of course there are a lot more things that could be on that list, but this is a good start. What other ideas do you have to lessen your impact and show your love for Mother Nature? I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Earth Day! Hope it’s a great one.

Happy Earth Day!

2 thoughts on “Happy Earth Day! Here are 25 Things You Can Do to Make Everyday Earth Day

  1. Helen Kloock says:

    Thanks so much. I already do many of the 25 you list. Think it’s great you shared this for others and especially Mother Earth!

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