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Weekly Puzzler #189: Who Made These Arrows on the Snow?

Imagine walking along through some shallow snow on top of some river ice one day and coming across these tracks, that to you, seem to look just like arrows. Except, wait, they’re pointing in both directions! Check them out!

c (2 of 2)-2

Here’s another photo that looks less like arrows but it’s from the same animal:

c (1 of 2)-2

c (1 of 1)-7

For reference, these are large tracks, at 3.75 inches to 5 inches long and 4 -5.5 inches wide. Sometimes the back toe doesn’t register, hence the “arrow” looking track.

Here’s the answer!

8 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #189: Who Made These Arrows on the Snow?

  1. Raven? A bird, but not a turkey. The Raven is the only larger bird I can think of who might be around in the snow.

  2. William Smith says:

    Morning Sharon. Originally I thought they were crow tracks but I am going to change my answer to Pheasant tracks. I think the measurements you gave (4X5 inches) might be a little too big for our buddy the American crow.
    Hope all is well friend.
    Bill Smith

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Bill! Nice to see you hear, thanks as always for reading and then taking time to comment. I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. As for the puzzler, good guess, but not a pheasant. However, you would win for having a guess that’s closest to the true answer, as pheasants and this bird are related. Think a bit bigger.

  3. Murray Palmer says:

    Hi, Sharon, I’m going to guess, given how big the print is, that the perpetrator is a Bald Eagle. Have had more urgent matters to deal with, and couldn’t get back until now. Murray

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Murray, I do hope everything is okay. Thanks for taking time to guess the puzzler. Sending hugs and kind thoughts your way. Take care, my friend.

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