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Weekly Puzzler #184: Bird with Short Orange Legs and a Bill That’s Longer on Bottom Than on Top

Hello! Are you ready for another weekend? I hope you have some plans that will take you outside.

Since I’ve been on the theme of birds that live in Florida or the Gulf Coast, I thought I’d continue it just a little longer. I know some of you may not be birders, but as you may have already learned, birds ARE fascinating and there is such variety, it’s hard to ignore them. The birds I have been featuring have been larger birds that frequent marshes, lagoons, swamps and other wild places.

Check out these photos of our next puzzler bird. Notice the super long wings, long body, short, orange legs and another fact you likely wouldn’t notice from the photos–this bird’s bill is unlike other bird’s bills in that the bottom part is longer than the top; in other birds these parts are of equal length. Also, the beak is orange closest to its body and then black at the ends.

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This bird’s bill is noticeably shorter on top than on the bottom.
Check out its super long wings
Check out its super long wings
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Here’s a hint about this bird.

If you think you know or want to guess the identity of this bird, have at it! I’d love to hear from you–just use the comment box at the end of this post. If you’ve never answered before you will need to fill in a bit of information–this is because otherwise I am overwhelmed with spam. Rest assured I will never use this information for anything other than my puzzlers. All correct guesses will be entered in my quarterly drawing to win a free prize. Spring seems like a long way off, but as always, time flies and it will be here before you know it!

Have a fabulous weekend and see you again soon!

10 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #184: Bird with Short Orange Legs and a Bill That’s Longer on Bottom Than on Top

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Claire, yes, you are correct! It is a black skimmer— glad you got to see one in action! They are cool birds!

  1. Murray Palmer says:

    Hi, Sharon, From the wording of the heading alone, it has to be a Black Skimmer. Murray
    P. S. Very nice photos of ice art!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Murray— I knew you would know! You must be an excellent birder… and yes, ice art— such variety and incredible art one can find when conditions are right and ones eyes are “tuned in “ th the beauty. Thanks for reading and for making time to comment. I hope you had a great Saturday!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Renee, yes it is a black skimmer! And yes, the photos are mine— all photos on my blog posts are always mine. Hope your day was great!

  2. William Smith says:

    Morning Lollygagger

    The gulf coast of Florida sounds real good about right now. It’s going to be -2 tomorrow night in good old Cincinnati, Ohio. Stay warm friend.

    B Smith

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Yes, I agree! Winter is supposed to be cold, but whoa, some of those predicted temperatures sound downright brutal. Times like these I am glad I fled NY and moved south! Thanks for reading Bill–stay warm!

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