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A Look at Nature’s Most Amazing Artist–Guess Who?

Good morning! Do you have a guess about the identity of Nature’s Most Amazing Artist? Of course this is only my humble opinion, but WOW, these little creatures really create amazing works of art that few people probably ever notice or appreciate. In fact, the fear of this animal is the number one phobia in the United States. According to, “1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men” experience this fear. Now do you have a guess?

If you said SPIDER, you are correct!

Do you have a spider phobia? Do spiders scare you to death? I used to have this phobia too, that is until I began photographing flowers and noticing them, or looking closely at spider webs and seeing the beauty. I know more now and can say I no longer have this fear. Check out this post I wrote years ago about how to overcome your fear.

These days I spend a lot of time photographing spider webs. On many mornings in the summer and early fall, you can find me in a wild meadow, usually with rubber boots and kneepads, along with my tripod and camera gear, usually on the ground, eye level with the artists themselves. These creatures really are amazing! And when the sunlight shines on the dozens of drops of dew suspended in the webs–Wow, talk about magnificent! The strands look like pearl necklaces.

Here’s a compilation of some recent shots plus a bit of video from a morning last week in a favorite spot of mine–a wild meadow that is full of magic every morning throughout the summer and into the fall. Morning secrets… want to see some?

Check this out!


If you want to learn more about spiders, here’s a post about called Spider myths debunked! Ten things you may not know about them, or what do you know about spiders? Test your knowledge about spiders, or lastly,  Spiders in Focus.

Let me know what you think about spiders, their webs, this post or anything else related! I always love to hear from you! Use the comment box WAY DOWN at the bottom of the post to write to me. I hope to hear from you soon!

Also, check out this humane way to capture spiders and insects that get in your house. It’s a great thing to give anyone in your life that dislikes or fears these critters but would rather not kill them. This contraption lets you grab the critter and take it safely outside.

…Of course, there is another animal that is an amazing artist and some would argue IT is the most amazing artist… But it lives under the sea. So perhaps it can get the prize for the most amazing artist under the sea and the spider can win for above the land! Have you heard of a puffer fish? Have you seen it make its art?  It is amazing!! You can check it out here!

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