Did you recognize the vine with the heart-shaped leaves from last week’s puzzler as Ducthman’s Pipe or Pipevine or Aristolochia macrophylla? (Or, if it has a hairy stem, rather than a smooth stem it is Wooly Dutchman’s Pipevine or Aristolochia tomentosa)
This is a great shade-loving vine but will also grow in full sun. It got its name from the shape of the flower–much like a meerschaum pipe, though the large leaves often cover it–likely the reason I have no photos of this! It can grow 30-40 feet so if you plant it in your yard, be sure it has plenty of room to grow!
Dutchman’s pipe is native to eastern North America and is the food plant of the Pipevine Swallowtail caterpillar.

Here is the next puzzler–another one with heart shaped leaves!