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Weekly Puzzler #156: Super Long Legless Critter–Is it a Worm? A Snake? An Alien from Outerspace?

I have been spending a lot of time in the backyard, creating a beautiful perennial flower garden where there used to be grass. It is a great sunny spot that slopes gently upwards, eventually reaching the surrounding forest. I am making the space into a hummingbird, butterfly and insect lover’s haven, filling it with all different kinds and colors of flowers. It is going to be spectacular!

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One day recently while I was working I knocked over a rock and underneath saw this really long and really skinny animal. It was brown and had black stripes running the entire length of its body. Was it a worm? A snake? I had never seen it before. You be the judge. Take a look and give me your best guess. Do you know what it is? Can you identify it? (To say yes! It is a worm. Or Yes! It is a snake is not enough! I want to know what is its name, what KIND of worm or snake is it?)

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Check back next weekend to learn the answer!

Have a wonderful weekend! See you again soon.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #156: Super Long Legless Critter–Is it a Worm? A Snake? An Alien from Outerspace?

        1. Sharon Mammoser says:

          I dig in the dirt too and never saw one until recently! Thanks for your guess and for reading my blog. Check back on Saturday to learn the answer (though I will say it is not a snake. I did think that too when I first saw it!) Happy 4th of July!!

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