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Weekly Photo Challenge #1

Hello again and welcome to the first ever weekly photo challenge! I hope you are as excited as I am about this new weekly blog category! I think it will be interesting to see how other people interpret and capture the themes.

The only limitations to this weekly challenge are:

  • That the photo has a NATURE THEME and
  • is taken OUTDOORS.

So if the theme is RED and you just installed a new backsplash in your kitchen featuring a field of RED tulips, this may be beautiful but it doesn’t fit the challenge guidelines.

…drum roll please….. the first weekly photo challenge theme is: SHADOWS


You don’t need to have a fancy camera or be the most amazing photographer ever–you just need to interpret the word/phrase and capture it in an artistic or creative way on film. I will take all of the photos that come to me, add some of my own, and then put them in a slideshow and publish the post on the following Wednesday. You can send many (up to 10) or you can send one.

Won’t this be a great addition to your Wednesday? Every week you can look forward to seeing what other readers from around the country have captured. It will be great fun! And a great reason for you to GET OUTSIDE and begin to look more closely at the world around you.

Email me your images at  Don’t forget to include your NAME and LOCATION, (just the place/park/city/ and state because it will be fun for other readers to see where these images were taken and if you don’t want to give your last name, that’s up to you)  and if you want, a title. Please shrink your image, if you can, to a more suitable size, like 500-800 pixels for the longest side. (If you don’t know how to do this, I can do it for you.) Your images will never be used for anything other than a one-time use in a slide-show that I will feature the following Wednesday in a blog post. Each photo will have a label identifying the photographer and location.

So let this motivate you to GET OUTSIDE! and see what interesting shadows you can find. I can’t wait to hear from you and see what you come up with! See you again soon.

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