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Hello Again!

peacockkale-Greetings friends!!

Thanks for being here with me again after my three month break. I am happy to be back and anxious to fill you in on some decisions I’ve made during my absence. Are you having a great day? Excited that spring has arrived?

Since my last post I have been busy! I spent 3 weeks in Costa Rica. I participated in a flash mob dance with an organization called One Billion Rising.  I read some amazing books, some of which I will tell you about soon. My husband and I made plans to sponsor a bat conservation project in southern Florida and Panama with renowned photographer and bat biologist, Merlin Tuttle. I created a Meetup for Asheville folks called Share Nature More.  I scheduled some inspirational and educational programs at a local community space. (If you are local, I hope to see you there!) I am working on getting an Etsy Shop up and running and am excited about finally having a venue to sell my work. (I will let you know when this gets ready!)  I brainstormed some ways to make my blog more interactive and came up with some regular categories that I will be adding in the coming weeks.

So wow, I am super excited about all of these things.

Have you seen the Geico commercial with the guys in the office asking what day is it and the camel walking in saying in a deep voice “It’s hump day!” Well I thought I would start a new challenge to give everyone here something to look forward to about Hump Day.

The addition to my blog that I am most excited about is one I’ll call the Weekly Photo Challenge. As you know I am always talking about getting outside and looking for spots of beauty. I frequently post pictures that I’ve taken, especially during the summer when I regularly add collections of photos into slideshows that you, my readers, can enjoy. But I was thinking about this recently and wondering why I am the one who gets to have all of the fun. I am certain there are many of you out there who enjoy taking pictures.

I intentionally chose to call this site Nature For My Soul because I wanted my readers to think of it in that way–Nature for MY soul.

In the months leading up to my hiatus I questioned this title and pondered how I could make my posts more fitting–Nature for MY soul. The Weekly Photo Challenge is one addition  I came up with. I will feature a new one every Wednesday, starting tomorrow…so stay tuned to learn more!

I will see you tomorrow! Until then, have a fabulous day!


6 thoughts on “Hello Again!

  1. Yeah!! You are back with new enthusiasm! My grandsons and I will look forward to your new posts!

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