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Weekly Puzzler #141: Can You Identify this Turtle?

So here’s another photo of a turtle scute for you. You can see that this one not as colorful or as regularly shaped as the one from last week’s puzzler.


I was going to just give you this for the puzzler but then decided that was a bit challenging. Thus, here is the entire carapace of this mystery turtle.


Can you identify it? If so, use the comment box below to give your guess. I’ve already awarded the prize for the first day of winter, though it is still a few weeks away, but I will start collecting names for the next giveaway–far, far, away on the first day of SPRING!

As a hint, let me just say that this turtle can get BIG! Weighing in at 75 pounds, it is quite a fierce-some predator. It lives in freshwater and is common throughout much of the United States, especially the eastern US and north into Canada.

As always, check back next week to see if your guess was correct.

Have a wonderful day!

3 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #141: Can You Identify this Turtle?

  1. Nanci Fletcher says:

    Your hint about the size makes me think, snapping turtle, but I don’t think the shape is right for a snapping turtle

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