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Quote of the Week #78

As you likely know if you’ve been a subscriber for very long, I try to do a weekly quote and usually this is something inspiring. When I first began this category I simply put a nice quote on a nice picture and that was that. But at some point it occurred to me that doing it that way, without any story or text with it was not very imaginative. And so I began using what was going on in my life as inspiration for the topic or theme of the quotes.


In this case however, I have been conflicted about whether to talk about my current state of mind because in doing so, it is bringing up a controversial subject that is apt to offend.

But I can think of nothing else.

Since Wednesday morning when I found out the election results, I have been in a state of despair and have accomplished next to nothing. Each day has been a struggle and honestly, the best part is the sweet bliss of sleep that makes me forget for a few hours. Are you feeling this way too?

There are many who say “Get over it! It’s time to move on! Stop being a sore loser!” But what they may fail to understand is that I–and others like me– are not grieving because our candidate lost, WE ARE GRIEVING  for the loss of so much of what we believe in and what we think this result says about our country.

When was the last time you saw a movie or read a book where the villain was not defeated at the end? We all want, and expect that GOOD will triumph over evil. No one wants to see the bully win at the end of a movie. No one wants to watch the mean character come out the winner.

In our world we have lots of people who are not exactly good role models–celebrities and athletes who do or say dishonorable things. But with these people we can chose not to watch them, not to support them. We can skip their movies or games.

When it comes to the President of the Untied States, we cannot make any such choice. Sure, we can NOT watch the news or read the papers, but neither will change the fact that the President sets the tone for our country and represents us to the rest of the world.

How could the first qualifications necessary to be President not be a person who RESPECTS OTHERS?

How can it not be required that this person is compassionate and caring, someone who puts others first and considers the good of everyone BEFORE  what’s good for himself?

And so I grieve…

I grieve for the triumph of greed and bad moral character over common decency and respect for other people, including those that have a handicap or have different colored skin, those that practice a different religion or come from another part of the world. I grieve over the fact that we have put a bully into the highest office in our land, a man who repeatedly attacks other people, who encourages violence, who gets ahead by insulting anyone who stands in his way. I grieve for all women and girls because we have said with this election that it is okay to belittle them, to say they are fat or ugly, to compare them to pigs, to make them feel like they aren’t good enough, that they can’t succeed because they were born girls rather than boys, that they don’t “have the right look”, and worst of all, to sexually harass them and then brag about it. By electing this person for President, we have said, “Yes, this behavior is acceptable.” This sickens me…and it baffles me as to how anyone could have chosen to overlook this shameful behavior, the same behavior that if we saw in our kids we would punish.

In addition, as someone who loves nature more than just about anything, I fear for what this means for the environment. I suspect protecting our natural resources and beloved animals will not be a priority of this administration.

And so, I grieve.

m2-20…And cannot come up with anything inspiring to say for this week. I am sorry… Here’s the best I can do, along with some pretty fall pictures, which make me forget, if only for a few minutes:

“You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel.” –Johnny Depp


“All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are.”  –Robin Williams

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16 thoughts on “Quote of the Week #78

  1. Renee Dankert says:

    Ohhh Sharon,
    I am so glad that you shared this. So many of us are feeling the same way. My heart breaks for what may become of our environmental protection laws. All that we love stands to be in danger of unspeakable loss. I grieve for this and for our country who chose to support a man who knows no boundaries, respects no one and holds nothing to a morally high standard. I have been walking in the woods, taking in the sunshine and letting nature do its best to heal my spirit. I know that you are doing the same.
    Peace to you,Renee

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Renee, thanks for writing. I love your sentence –” taking in the sunshine and letting nature do its best to heal my spirit.” I am sure many of us are doing that, hoping to find some peace and renewal in the beauty and quiet of the natural world. My kindest regards

  2. I grieve with you, Sharon. Thank you for your words and your wonderful work which gloriously reminds me to stay open to the magic in natural beauty. The first thing I did on Wednesday when hearing the shocking news was to go outside and lean into the big oak tree.

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thank you, Carol for your kind words. I know there are many of us nature lovers who will turn to nature for healing, if only for a little while. The big oak, the talking stream, the spots of beauty in the sky, the forest, the meadows — we can find temporary renewal if we make time

  3. Sharon,

    Thank you so much for speaking so eloquently and so courageously for me and many,
    many others – especially for those who feel they do not have a voice.
    A wise friend of mine said, “If you focus on what might happen, then the dread of it will run you and ruin you.”
    So, yes, there is necessary grieving, but what has happened cannot stop us from being who we are and living in the present with open hearts.

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thank you, Judy. I like your sentence about” being who we are and living in the present with open hearts” Thanks for reminding me. Trump may be disrespectful and crude, but we can learn from that how NOT to be. It must not let us change who we are and what is important to each of us. And yes, living in the present — something I continually must remember as it it easy to focus on the past or the future. Thanks for taking the time to write.

  4. Sharon, you have expressed what many of us are feeling. I have felt physically ill for days. I can accept ideological differences and hope that I will be a better listener in the months ahead. It is Mr. Trump who is such a shock to my being. I have begun to examine what I can do…if there is any difference I can make. You have a forum and a following. You are a gifted photographer and writer. You bring the beauty and the fragility of nature to your audience. I hope you and your husband will continue your travels and observations at home and report what you see. We need you to educate us about this incredible world we inhabit. We need you to remind us in words and photos what truly matters. You make a difference.

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Leslie, thanks for your comment and for your compliments. I am glad to learn I am not alone in my grieving– that others are indeed feeling just as shocked and saddened…

      Photography of the natural world is my passion and getting to share it with others is getting to enjoy and appreciate it twice. I am thankful I have an outlet and readers like you who let me know my work matters. Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I will seek inspiration in nature as I always have — and continue to try and inspire others. Kind regards.

  5. We can only hope that he will not do much of what he said he was going to…he told so many lies and lies and lies to instigate this rage we can hope that his campaign promises will be just as false. We can live through being the international laughing stock, but we must not allow permanent damage to our environment, our national parks, and the beauty that can not be replaced. Joe

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Yes, I suspect much of the world is as shocked and horrified as many of us. I will not look forward to international tavel as I am sad now people will think this is who we are. He certainly does not represent my views or beliefs…thanks for reading.

  6. So well said, Sharon. I feel the same… I haven’t even read my emails in over a week, so I didn’t see this until today. Thank you for your wonderful website, your thoughtful posts, and for sharing the beauty you see every day in nature. 1/2 our country may have disappointed me this week, but you never fail to make me feel better (even though I, too, am grieving). Hugs to you, my friend!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hugs back to you Lisa. There are many of us grieving — it brings some comfort to know I am not alone. Thanks for taking time to read and comment. Xxoo

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