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Quote of the Week #77: Some Quotes about Leadership and the Power of One

What qualities do you think are important in a role model? WHO is a role model? Are sports stars role models? Actors and actresses or singers? How about leaders of countries? Can you think of any leaders that you consider role models? What qualities do they possess that make them admirable?

As you know, an important day is just around the corner for our country. I hear many who say we have no good choices and so they’re going to sit this one out? Imagine what would happen if everyone thought that!

Every voice counts.

In my humble opinion, we must not make this about our political afflictions, but rather the good of our country.

In the last week I have read three terribly tragic stories in the paper about children who were being bullied at school….And so, not being able to take it any longer and getting no help from those that could have made a difference, they opted to kill themselves.

What a tragedy! As the sibling of someone who committed suicide these heartbreaks hit me especially hard. How can we rebel against bullies at our schools and say this behavior won’t be tolerated… but allow them in our government? How will we explain that to our children?


The power of ONE: Don’t fall for that lie that one person cannot make a difference. All powerful movements began with the actions of individuals striving for change. Your actions count. Be the change. VOTE.



And another, “If you think you are too small to make a difference….”

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Week #77: Some Quotes about Leadership and the Power of One

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Thanks, I was sure it would mean loss of subscribers, but not so far. Thanks for always reading!

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