Hey everyone! Happy First day of Fall! I hope as you read this you are having a glorious day. Are you ready for a change of seasons? If not, get ready because unfortunately, you have nothing to say about it!
My husband and I just returned from 3 weeks in Alaska, where fall was well underway. The blueberry bushes were bursting with berries, the aspen trees had yellow leaves, the tundra was decorated with vibrant red leaves and the weather was cool and fall-like.
While in Alaska we spent most of our time backpacking and camping, exploring the great state in a way few visitors who go there do. We hiked in the wilderness of Denali National Park, where there are no trails to follow and in Denali State Park and on other trails that are perhaps known to locals but not very frequented by tourists. It was a glorious 3 weeks!
Much of our time there we woke to rain and fog and a sky filled with clouds. But it didn’t stop us from carrying on with our plans because sometimes the rain and fog and clouds add drama that has an appeal unlike any other kind of weather. It is magical when the wind pushes the fog out of the way for brief glimpses of the landscape or clears totally to show you a mountain you hadn’t seen before. Or when a rainbow appears, stretching across the entire sky.
So this week’s quote, something we heard more than once while we were in Alaska:

“There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.”
And it’s true. With the right clothing, one can be outside experiencing whatever Mother Nature decides to throw your way! So with that in mind, get OUTSIDE and enjoy this new season! It is sure a glorious one.
Oh what a spectacular trip that must have been.. Beautiful pics, can’t wait to see more
Yes, the trip was amazing. I will feature some pictures in the near future. Has fall arrived yet up north where you are? I bet it’s fabulous! I love fall in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire and upstate New York. Gorgeous!! Hope you are having a great day!
We thought we would get two falls in this year. We are in Maine picking up Nick from the completion of his AT hike. Fall is just starting. I collected a few brilliant red leaves to bring home to carry me over till fall in Asheville
OH, I wanted to ask about “Saint Nick!” Glad he was successful!!! Experiencing two falls is always wonderful. One is spectacular enough, but two? WOW, now that’s living large!
Very nice post
Ohhh, thanks. Sweet of you to always read my posts.