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Weekly Puzzler #104: Yellow Petals and Spotted Leaves

Happy weekend!

Do you know your spring ephemerals? These are the flowers that bloom before the trees get their leaves and shade out the forest floor. Where I live in western North Carolina, we are just starting to see some of these. For me it’s always great, I am excited to see them! but I often have to consult the books again on many of them since I haven’t seen them in an entire year. Do you have a favorite spring ephemeral?

I will do a few more spring ephemerals for the next few puzzlers… What is this one pictured here? Hint: notice the two thin green leaves with splotches on them as this is a clue that’s in this flower’s name. Check back next Saturday to see if your guess was correct. And don’t forget to use the comment box to give your guess and be eligible for the next prize–Congratulations to Barbara, who was our first winner for this contest and should be receiving a sampler pack of my greeting cards soon. The next prize will be given on the first day of summer… use the comment box below for your chance to be eligible.


As always, have a wonderful weekend! Happy Easter to you all.

12 thoughts on “Weekly Puzzler #104: Yellow Petals and Spotted Leaves

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Megan, thanks for taking time to give your guess! Check back Saturday to see if you are right.

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Joe, thanks for taking time to guess! Check back on Saturday to see the correct answer.

  1. I’m not sure, but the funny thing is I took a picture of this same flower on my walk today. There were a bunch of them growing on the banks of a small stream in the forest. Can’t wait to hear the answer!

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Pete! Nice hearing from you! This is a common spring flower in our forests…check back Sat to learn the answer….Ready for monarchs again?!

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