Hello and happy weekend! Is it snowing by you? Or has spring arrived?
Check out these two photos below of this mysterious “ball” that I saw on the forest floor. It was hollow inside. Do you know what they are? If you want to give a guess, just use the comment box below. I hope to hear from you soon! And don’t forget–if your guess is correct you will be eligible to win a prize on the first day of spring! Good luck!
Oak galls. Trees reaction to wasp eggs being laid on its leaves.
Awesome Pete, you are correct! I will talk more about galls on Saturday. Thanks for writing.
Hello again!
as it looks to me, it is what remained from a puffball mushroom after the spores escaped.
Have a great week-end
Hi Elena, you had a good guess, though not correct. But thanks for trying! I will talk more about this on Saturday.
It isn’t a ball…it’s a gall. But then I don’t actually know what a gall is.
You are correct!! And oh so smart. I will talk about galls on Saturday.
It is a gall and is created by an insect.
Barbara, You are correct! Thanks for commenting. I will enter your name in the drawing
My grandson is guessing some kind of egg sack.
Your grandson must be pretty smart! It is not an egg sac, but I will show you a photo on Saturday of a spider that has an egg sac that does look similiar to this. Thanks for guessing!