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Quote of the Week #50

quotequote-7240651Do you make New Year’s Resolutions at the start of the year? Is it challenging for you to make the necessary changes to accomplish these? If the answer is yes to the latter– you are not alone in this!

They say that to establish a new habit, one needs to do it 100 times before it becomes routine.

Like with one’s weight, it seems a whole lot easier to gain it then it does to lose it, to get IN the bad habit rather than out. (Speaking of weight by the way, do you know losing weight is the most common New Year’s Resolution ? Is it yours?)

When I worked in the public schools I noticed many kindergarten classes keep track of their days starting with day one and when they reach 100, they  mark the day with a big celebration. 100 days! Woo hoo! Maybe keeping track like this of work towards our goals would motivate us too, regardless of the goal or of our ages. Every time we do or don’t do the step towards the goal, we can make a mark and have a party when we get to 100. Having a way to be held accountable for our actions might be motivating enough to reach success.

And what if you don’t succeed right away? Are you especially tough on yourself? Does it make you feel like a failure?

Probably all of us have a list of things we might like to change. Are you as nice to yourself as you are to others? Do you forgive, support, encourage, acknowledge, care for, listen to, and admire yourself–or are those things you reserve for everyone else?

That brings me to this week’s quote, one I can relate to and take note of, as for me, it’s an area in my life that deserves change. What about for you?






2 thoughts on “Quote of the Week #50

  1. What a great quote! I admit that I talk to myself a lot (out loud when I think no one is around! hee hee!) but I never think about whether I’m listening to myself. 🙂

    1. Sharon Mammoser says:

      Hey Lisa, Yes I think a lot of us might talk to ourselves… I thought it was a great quote because it really highlights that since we are listening when we do that (whether it’s talk out loud to ourselves or our inner thoughts) what we say is important. It shouldn’t be all negative all the time because it can highly influence us…It’s Always a pleasure to hear from you!

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