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Quote of the Week #33

I’d like to tell you a story as an introduction to this week’s quote. If you’ve been following my blog posts lately, you may know I have been talking about Monarch butterflies –their low numbers and the importance of their only food plant–Milkweed.

amonarchpair-1731So everyday that I go out in my car anywhere, I first must drive to the end of my road, 2.8 miles. Along the way I pass numerous meadows, some with horses, others filled with tall grasses or crops from local farmers. Around the bend and at the top of one small hill, on the right side, there is a field that slopes gently upwards and is FILLED WITH MILKWEED–3 different species! It is a glorious spot, always dancing with the wings of butterflies as they look for the sweet nectar of the orange and pink flowers.

This field is within a high-end, gated community with million dollar houses, but on the outskirts of where any people live and away from traffic. I have spent time there lately, photographing all of the treasures, from colorful butterflies to beetles, bugs and everything in between.

amonarchpair--2This field is an absolute GOLD MINE for the butterflies, including our beloved Monarchs!

But the Monarchs can’t talk of course so I decided to be their spokesperson. I decided to try to see who owns this field so I could ask if it would be at all possible to hold off on mowing it until late October, when all of the Monarchs have gone.

It wasn’t an easy or quick process and several people were involved, but in the end, I DID get to talk to the owner! And he seemed receptive to the idea of mowing later. He said he didn’t realize anyone cared about the field or the creatures there and now that he does, he will do his best to help out. !!

I am over the moon thrilled because this means I don’t have to be so worried about driving out one day and being heartbroken when I see a flattened field where all the Milkweed used to be. And all of the Monarchs and other butterflies will get to continue living there and I don’t have to be so desperate to find them all and “save them.”

And so, this week’s quotes:

“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”


“Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.”


Sometimes when we think of something we’d like to do, we are stopped by the loud voices in our head saying, “That’s impossible! That won’t work! What are the chances!” Maybe next time you have one of those thoughts, you will remember this story and these quotes.

You’ll never know until you try!


6 thoughts on “Quote of the Week #33

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