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Quote of the Week #30

Are you addicted to social media? Do you check your phone constantly, always wanted to be “connected” to your friends, your followers, those people you may not even ever have met but are Facebook friends? If you are, you’re definitely not alone!

During a segment of the World News recently the reporter interviewed a handful of young girls who, like many people these days, admitted to being addicted to their cell phones, to the text messages, the Facebook posts, the instragram photos, the endless barrage of input and opinions and likes. These outside sources, even from people they hardly knew, much less spent quality time with, had tremendous power over them to make them feel inferior, ugly, stupid, unsuccessful, boring…

It was sad to see them not only spending so much valuable time on these devices instead of out actually experiencing life, but also so negatively influenced by these voices from the digital world.

And that brings me to this week’s quote:



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