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Weekly Puzzler Answer #47

akinglet-1127If you have ever been lucky enough to see this bird, you know that it almost never sits still! Taking a clear picture of it was very challenging but luckily, it was close enough to track for a few minutes and get numerous chances. Did you guess a Golden-crowned Kinglet? If so, you are correct!

Do you know much about this tiny bird? (It is only 3.1 -4.3 inches long and weighs just 0.1 -0.3 ounces!!)  Do you know what special adaptations they have in order to survive winter, especially those populations that live up north, where temperatures during winter are regularly in the single digits and may drop as low at night to minus 40 degrees F? Amazingly, kinglets maintain a body temperature 3 degrees HIGHER than that of most birds! To put this in perspective, this is 6 or 7 degrees higher than that of a healthy human, a temperature at which most of us would die of heart stroke. *(from Winter World, by Bernd Heinrich, published Harper Collins in 2003)

Did you know they eat insects? And stay active during winter rather than migrate as most other birds who eat insects do? Do you wonder how this can be? What insects can they possibly find in the middle of winter? Do you know what is special about a KINGLET BRAIN?

puzzler47-1116I will feature this tiny and amazing bird this week as my Creature Feature. Check back on Monday to read more about this attractive bird. Until then, check out the new puzzler– Weekly Puzzler #48–chosen special in honor of Valentine’s Day. Also, if you enjoy birds, HERE is something you can do for them THIS WEEKEND.

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