Monarch Butterflies are in trouble. (Read about this HERE) But thankfully, there are some things YOU CAN DO to make a difference. Every person matters. Every action makes a difference. These are things anyone can do! Please start today!!

Here are some things you can do:
- Plant NATIVE Milkweed. (The Native part is super important! Because some people are planing Tropical Milkweed and this is a bad thing. Read more about this Here.) Here’s how to get Native Milkweed: Acquiring Native Milkweed This flower is beautiful, fragrant and an absolute BUTTERFLY MAGNET, not just for Monarchs but for many butterflies and other insects.
- Plant native flowers in your yard that will supply nectar to visiting butterflies, including Monarchs Here is some info on this: Gardening for Monarchs and other butterflies
- Avoid pesticides in your yards and gardens, especially Roundup that is bad for your health and the environment. (Read more about that here)
- Become a Citizen Scientist and report your Monarch observations so others can learn from you. Here is some info on this: Citizen Science
Educate others, including your family, friends, and neighbors. Many people think of Milkweed as a weed! Which isn’t helped of course by its name. But Milkweed is ESSENTIAL to the Monarch butterflies and this flower is both lovely and smells heavenly. Having some in your yard would be a wonderful thing! Please help others get over the idea of encouraging a plant with the word WEED in its name! Our society must get over the idea that everything that comes up naturally is a weed.
Telling others about the importance of Milkweed might be the most valuable thing you can do. Please help spread the word! If you see that your neighbor has Milkweed in his/her yard, tell them! And ask that they hold off on mowing until after the butterflies are done–late October.

6. Support farmers that don’t use genetically modified crops. Whether or not you believe organic food is better for your health, there is not doubt it is better for the environment. GMO’s are one of the main reasons why our Monarch butterflies can no longer find Milkweed.
7. Write to your local Department of Transportation and ask them to plant NATIVE FLOWERS in their medians and along roadways in your state. Also, ask that they allow Milkweed to grow. Tell them the importance of Milkweed. If LOTS of people are writing to them telling them the same thing, they will take notice. This is how change happens!
8. Raise Monarchs. There is a lot to this, but if you are willing, it’s a wonderful adventure. You learn so much from watching them in all of their stages. Raising them yourself eliminates most of the challenges Monarchs face including predators and parasites. Here are three resources for learning what’s needed: Monarch Watch, Monarch Lab, Learn about
Thanks for caring! Every person can make a difference. Help spread the word!!
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