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Weekly Puzzler #1: What are these?

I’ve come up with a new category for my blog that I am super excited about and invite you to participate in…. starting right now!

It is called the Weekly Puzzler and will feature a picture and/or clue about some small part of nature that readers can try to identify.

This may be from an animal or a plant or something unique and interesting that I have found outside. Though I live in western North Carolina, it will not be limited to something from this area but could be something I have seen and learned about from my travels. A week after putting up the picture, I will publish the answer along with the names of all of those who solved the “riddle” correctly.

Please use the comment box after the blog post to submit your answer to the puzzler!

After this catches on and more people get involved I will have random drawings from those who have guessed correctly and will offer prizes or discounts to services and products from my website. For now, imagine having your name on the list of correct guessers! It could be your two minutes of fame!

Here’s the first Weekly Puzzler: Check out this picture! caddis-2951What are these? (Hint: They can be found in freshwater)

Click HERE for the answer.

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