Can You Find the Frog?
A recent post was about spring peepers… can you find the peeper in this photo?
A recent post was about spring peepers… can you find the peeper in this photo?
As I stood outside in the rain today, with the soft drops falling gently on my face, I admired the way the forest looked bathed in fog, mysterious and quiet
You may have never seen a spring peeper but you have likely heard their loud, bell-like calls that echo through the forest on warm spring evenings. Here are some things
Here is the answer to the very first Weekly Puzzler Challenge. Did you guess correctly? They are from an insect called a Caddisfly! Read below to learn about caddis flies
Here is the mystery object for week number 2. What is this? Have you ever seen it? Add your guess to the comment box. I’ll publish the answer next Saturday.
I recently spent a week in Charleston, South Carolina, making my temporary home in what I now consider one of the most beautiful places I have ever stayed– a national
I spent a good part of today watching a barred owl hunting from just a few feet off of a boardwalk at an Audubon Society property called Francis Beidler Forest